Eliot Lee


I am studying for a B.S. in Statistics and a B.B.A. in Business Administration in the College of Liberal Studies at the Seoul National University. I am currently at the University of Hawaii at Manoa as an exchange student for a semester. I expect to graduate in Fall, 2023.

Interests: Data Science, Statistical Learning, Business Analytics, Aviation



E1: UI Basics Technical Essay

30 Jan 2023

WOD 1 The first WOD was about organizing basic contents comprised with text and images. It was the most interesting WOD among three WODs since I was able to apply the HTML syntax to real code works. I created links...


Why ITM352?

16 Jan 2023

I am an exchange student from South Korea. I am double majoring in Statistics and Business Administration, and thinking of my career path as a Data Scientist. I have quite a lot of experiences handling data using programming languages such...

ITM352 Programming